The Expert Panel, an independant body of global leading Hand Hygiene experts, chaired by Professor Didier Pittet, was appointed to:
- Review submissions using the WHO Hand Hygiene Self Assessment Framework.
- Decide on finalists.
- Perform audits in accordance with the WHO Hand Hygiene Self Assessment Framework, sharing expertise in hand hygiene and providing feedback on positive areas and on points that need further improvement.
- Decide on winners.
Professor Didier Pittet (Chair)
Infection Control Programme & WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety
University of Geneva Hospitals & Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
Lead Adviser, First Global Patient Safety Challenge "Clean Care is Safer Care" and "African Partnerships for Patient Safety" programmes
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Petra Gastmeier
Director, NRZ (National Reference Centre for Surveillance of Nosocomial Infections),
Department of Infection Control and Environmental Medicine,
Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
Head of the German national hand hygiene programme "Aktion Saubere Hände"
Ms. Claire Kilpatrick
International expert on infection prevention and control; WHO consultant, Honorary Research Fellow Imperial College London, Infection Prevention Society (UK and Ireland) member and social media working group member Health Information for All (
Former Programme Manager, "Clean Care is Safer Care", WHO Patient Safety Programme, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Maria Luisa Moro
Head, Infectious Risk Unit, Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy
Coordinator of the Italian national campaign "Clean Care is Safer Care" and the national
healthcare-associated infections surveillance systems
Prof. Anne Simon
Head, Infection Control Department, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium
Head of the Belgian national hand hygiene programme "Vous êtes en de bonnes mains (U bent in goede handen)"
Dr. Ermira Tartari
Research Fellow in the WHO Collaborating Centre on Patient Safety, Department of Infection Prevention and Control & at the University of Geneva Hospitals, Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Andreas Voss
Head, Infection Control, Canisius Wilhemina Ziekenhuis, Nijmegen,
and Professor of Infection Control, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Prof. Andreas Widmer
Deputy Head Division of Infectious Diseases & Hospital Epidemiology and Head Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
President of the National Suveillance System on Nosocomial Infections (Swissnoso)
Task Force Member "Clean Care is Safer are" and "Safe Surgery Saves Lives" of the WHO Patient Safety Programme